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2024-2025 Registration Date 

In-person 55 Plus registration will be on Tuesday September 10th, between 1:00 and 3:00 PM at the Pembina Curling Club (1341 Pembina Hwy). 

2024-25 Registration Form

The draft form is now  available (menu item this page) . In addition Each curler must also register with the Pembina Curling Club (PCC) and pay a $ 45 fee directly to the PCC by Sept 10th  2024. The $45 fee is covers curling in one or more PCC leagues  ($25 PCC membership $10.00 food voucher and $10.00 Curl Manitoba fee), Detailed registration information will be made available at a later date.


2024 Annual Meeting Hi-Lites

March 28th 2024

The luncheon meeting was M. C.’d by Barry Bentham and was attended by approximately 46 curlers, and 2 PCC club representatives (Manager Gord and Icemaker Russ). The meal was provided by Yum Yum Hospitality.

The event photographer was Dennis Huggins. Event pictures are available on the 2023-24 Information menu Item.

Eric Fast said Grace and asked that we remember Jim Gray, Wayne Bunney, John Lohrenz and Lloyd Emoff who passed away in the last year.

Brian Swan read the Minutes from our Semi-Annual Meeting on Sept. 26th 2023.

Barry Bentham gave the presidents report. He indicated that we expect a fee increase of $25 to $30 for next year. The curling club has increased costs for snow clearing and property tax. Upcoming dates for the 24-25 season are:  

In-Person Registration September 10th from 1:00 pm to 3:00                                                                                                    Semi-Annual General Meeting September 24th   at 1:00PM

Bob Girouard gave an overview of the 2023-24 financial results. He estimated that our closing bank balance will be up approximately $1,400 over last year.

Brad McKenzie gave a Membership report. He extended a special welcome to new members David Wery, Jon Forrester, Cam McMillan, and Wally Pyl.  Brad emphasized the need to recruit new members for next year.

Executive Council

Bob Girouard (Treasurer) and Brian Swan (Secretary) were confirmed to continue for 2023-24. Doug Pratt was elected to the position of second Vice President. The complete executive council members are listed at the bottom of the members page of the website.

Trophy Presentation

Murray Ballance announced the winners of the first, second and third place trophy winners based on the 2023-24 season. Pictures were taken of the winners and are available on the 2023-24 Menu.

Last Chance Bonspiel

Barry Bentham announced the winners of the 2024 Last Chance Bonspiel Trophy. Pictures were taken of the winners present (included with the meeting photos). Rod Birch and Brad McKenzie looked after spare coordinator duties.

Spare Coordinators

 Murray Ballance gave the Spare Coordinators report. Spare convenors were, Gary Sova, Richard Procak, Ken Hanz, and Doug Pratt for rounds 1 through 4.

50-50 Coordinator

50 Rod Birch has agreed to be the 50/50 Coordinator for next season.

New League President

At the end of the meeting Barry Bentham passed the Gavel to incoming president Larry Todd (pcture included with the meeting photos).



New Members Needed for 2024-25

Please reach out to any potential curlers who might be interested in sparing or curling for one or more rounds.


Individuals may contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.


2024-25  55-PLUS Executive Council

President- Larry Todd

Vice-President- Joe Urbanowich

Second Vice-President- Doug Pratt 

Past President- Barry Bentham 

Secretary - Brian Swan 

Treasurer - Bob Girouard 

Draw Master- Murray Ballance

Membership Chair- Brad McKenzie

Spare Coordinator- Murray Ballance

Webmaster- Barrie Daniels